coming soon
Byred Skaoduneng
Creation, & The Coming of Man
The time before man, when Dawnheim was prepared for him and he for it; when the Star Fathers gathered their children and sent them as Dunwe to guide man at his coming into the earth. This marks the beginning of the grand narrative of man, as laid down by Heimwe, father of all.
Lirred Roskysteng
The Age of Valor
A time when man was prosperous and mighty, when foes were driven back and the darkness was subdued; a time when man extended his reach far over the earth. A time when the light was yet near him, and he near it.
Lirred Maleng
The Age of Darkness
A time when the powers of darkness were unleashed in their fullest; when man faced evils the likes of which have not been seen since, but whose seeds have grown quietly and since seduced many men.
Lirred Skildedeng
The Age of the Sword
A time in which the shadow of Cathoc was forgotten; when man regained that which he had lost and became again mighty and prosperous and warred against his foes. It is a time of battles among man and fear among the servants of evil.
Lirred Ovyljeng
The Age of Ignorance
A time in which man forsook He who most loved him; when man ignored the gathering storm for the pleasure he harvested. It is a time in which much of man prospered, though the seeds he planted gave root also to his own downfall.
Lirred Aeriveng
The Age of Isolation
A time of civil dissension in the West, decay in the East, and a tired war between the two. A time of silence from the divine, when ruled the fleeting wisdom of man.
Lirred Methaereng
The Age of Unity
A time when man is united against their common foe; when wounds of the past are healed by the hand that struck the blow. A time when shadows hang over the earth and the sun and moon are smothered by them for a time.
Lirred Ljireng
The Age of Light
A time during which the lost were searched out and found; when light returned and vanquished darkness and shone stronger than it had at the first. A time when the character of man was tested, and those who loved the light were divined from those who loved the darkness.