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2021 Collection

I am so excited to finally announce that this year’s collection of short stories and poetry is finished! It is available for purchase in paperback, ebook, and—for the first time ever—hardcover edition! Here’s the link to it.

I’ve put a lot of work into this year’s collection and am very proud of the final product. Going back and revising and formatting everything, it’s been amazing to see the journey I’ve been on since January. Like any year, I’ve had my share of difficulties as well as blessings—I’m sure you can relate. At times it’s felt like it’s been worse than it has been good, but I think that’s often because we tend to overlook the good when faced with the bad. I’ve been able to use this collection as a journal of sorts, flipping back every now and then to remind myself that things have been grim before or taking a moment to relive good memories. I highly recommend keeping some sort of journal, whether it’s just venting about the day or creating some sort of creative expression. Later you’ll be thankful you did.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me and been keeping up with my blog, where these individual works were first shared. It means so much to know that my work is being seen and read by even a few people.

Overall, I can say that it’s been a good year, one filled with growth. As long as we’re growing, I think any situation can be turned into a positive. That’s the mindset I’m going to keep moving forward.

This will be the last time you hear from me for a while, I hope the year ends well for you, and that the next is a clean slate—a chance to do whatever you’ve been meaning to do.

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