Paint me a picture
to describe how I’m feeling
when words cannot capture
the voices I’m hearing.
With dark
gloomy blues
paint my heart
torn in two.
With wet
sweeping strokes
paint my red
bleeding throat.
On thin
white canvas
paint my sin
unmask it.
Don’t let me leave
without painting your face
a face incomplete
a man made of paint.
I want to be naked
and clothed.
A moment in life
and exposed.
You’re a painted man
I’m a wordless picture
take what I am
expose every feature.

At its heart, this poem is about expression and a desire to be known. For many people, art is one method to do this. It creates emotion—both in the artist and the viewer—and, when studied, says a great deal about the artist. That has been the sole purpose of Tableau and The Founder’s work thus far, and this poem is pushing it further.
Concerning the desire to be exposed, this is often difficult to do verbally. Here is where art—any form of art—enters and eases the process. Rather than fully explain a painful experience, one can express it in a subtle yet incredibly vocal way. It creates comfort and healing for the creator and may produce the same in someone that views their work. While not everyone struggles in the same way and feels a need for creative expression, I believe it is important to notice its distinct voice. Whether we create or observe the creations of others, there is an opportunity to observe “dark gloomy blues” and bring them to conversation. Expression is merely the beginning of healing.
On another note, focused on Tableau, this poem may have great significance to our future here. Everything in the poem suggests The Founder is making a direct connection to the capsule—which has been quite active lately. I will include more detail in my notes tomorrow.
Hope Mixes
—The Translator