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Call Me Back

Hi, I heard you’re hurting

heard it from a friend of ours who’s working

to fight the feelings that keep emerging.

Best if you’d be blunt tonight

no beating around the bush, alright?

I’m here if you’re down

(you sound like you are)

you’ve got my number now

no reason not to call.

Hey, I heard you crying

Heard it from the roof of a five-story building.

I told you to call when you feel like dying.

Look, I may not understand

but I’m doing the best I can.

Call me back soon,

talk to me, alright?

The least it could do’s

distract from the knife.

Hey, I heard about last night

Next time, call me before you try to take your life.

I would’ve come no matter how long the drive.

Look, we’ve got to talk

I feel like it’s my fault.

Call me back tonight

don’t put it off again.

I want to help, alright?

this has to end.

Hey, I missed you today.

Ever since that night, things haven’t been the same.

I wish I’d have said what I needed to say.

I was hurting too

guess that’s why I texted you.

I should have just said

I needed your help.

Now it’s too late,

now I hate myself.

Why’d you do it?

You make me want to.

I can’t stand this,

should I follow you?


This one's pretty heavy, but it's something that's been on my heart for a while in several ways. 

The first is the importance of reaching out to someone who might be hurting. It's always worth it to simply ask how someone's doing. It may not result in them unburdening their soul to you, but it might just convince them that someone cares. 

The second is how we so often tell ourselves we're alone and believe no one cares about us yet don't do anything to change it. We have dozens of contacts at our fingertips, and somehow it's so easy to convince ourselves not to reach out to them. Granted, if we're going through pretty serious stuff, it might not be best to open up to just anybody. But there is ALWAYS someone who is ready to listen. I will admit that, going both ways, it's a lot harder than just texting someone or calling them. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith and courage to share with them, that's something that I'm starting to learn how to do better. 

The really curious thing about all this is that, more often than not, the people I open up to also have problems and have experienced difficult things. That's the thing about being human, we each struggle, we're in this together. No one is meant to walk alone. So if you're hurting, or if you know someone who might be, I pray that you can have the courage to shoot a text or call them up. 

Stay safe, and God bless. 

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