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Chirp! Chirp!

The silence is broken

by a minuscule voice

I believe I’ve heard spoken

but never this close.

It is quiet but clear

sounding frightfully near

though its tone implies

I have nothing to fear.

But fear I do

when I do not find

the creature who

can both sing and hide.

So loud it’s become

And repetitive too!

It begins with the sun

and sings until noon.

I cannot unravel

what it’s trying to say

but something substantial

is coming my way.

“Poverty or wealth!”

it screams from the shadows.

“Sickness or health!”

the quiet voice bellows.

I search for days

my mind a mad mess

til I find the place

where the singer now rests.

“A cricket,” I sigh

tired and frustrated

wondering why

I had been so agitated.

The simple “chirp chirp!”

was simple all along

neither joy nor hurt

but an insect’s best song.


Recently, there have been a lot of crickets in the house. It's hard to believe the season are changing so quickly! Anyway, after seeing (and squashing) two or three within the span of two days, I started to get a little paranoid. They always seemed to be in the bathroom too, which made it all the more annoying.

I was working one day when I heard four distinct "chirps" from within my room. I froze, brows lowered and eyes scanning the room. Of course, the clever little bug was probably off in some obscure corner I could never reach. But the noise still got to me, and, after seeing several more later on, I started to feel like they were watching me.

I did some research on crickets (not because I thought they were going to turn on me planet of the apes style, of course) and found out that a lot of cultures place great significance on crickets. In Brazil, a cricket is sometimes thought to be a sort of harbinger of wealth, illness, and even death. Barbados has similar beliefs that place the simple "chirp chirp" at great significance.

The whole thing made me realize how easily we overthink things. For me, something I take way too seriously are social cues. I overanalyze everything and then place significance on fluctuation and body language to the point that I'm not much different than people who believe that a cricket chirping means death. If I just step back a moment I usually realize that it's just a cricket.

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