Ice is cold
water that once flowed.
It grew old and froze
covered by snow.
Dreams are ice
thoughts that once flowed
over my mind
and under my soul.
am I seeing myself?
These icicle moments
are somebody else.
Warped visions
truths hidden
beneath layers of mirror
I cannot make clearer.

Waking up from a dream can be startling. It can also be soothing or confusing. Wherever our minds go when we’re asleep, we often find ourselves asking why on earth it went there. Sometimes dreams are connected to prominent thoughts but sometimes they’re completely random—far from even our wildest cognizant imagination. Yet, I’ve found that when I think about my dreams there is almost always some reflection of my thoughts and emotions within them. Dreams—whether we remember them clearly or not—are like glimpses at our reflection through ice. The image isn’t clear, but we know it’s us, or a part of us. Granted, our dreams are often much more dramatic than what we think or feel on a day-to-day basis. But I don’t think they should be written off as complete nonsense, no matter how bizarre they seem. The mind is a strange place, and it often communicates in subtle ways. I think it’s wise to pay attention to these little things, they can say a lot about where your focus is or whether or not you’re doing alright. Or they could be a fleeting thought or curiosity—don’t take them as gospel.
Hope Mixes
—The Translator