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Freedom Song

There’s freedom in the air

freedom is a ringin’.

Twas freedom weaved in silver tongue

the angels were a singin’.

Freedom from the weight of death

a fight we were not winin’.

Freedom from our wretched selves

to save us from our sinnin’.

Twas there in stable cold and dark

redemption was beginnin’.

Prince of Peace, The Son of God

began His human breathin’.

So sound the vict’rous battle cry

that glorious song of freedom!

Echo long and carry far:

the rebellion has begun.

We’ll no more live in guilty fear

our champion has come

To save us and redeem our souls

from what we’ve all become.

No battle waged by fallen man

compares to what’s beginnin’.

And though our Hero’s death was sealed

His life He was a givin’.

A victory was struck that day

and death no more was winnin’.

From stable to that glorious cross

The Man just keeps on givin’

salvation to repentant man

who’s turned away from sinnin’

to join that everlasting corps

and one day sing in heaven.

So shout it loud and sing it clear

that glorious song of freedom!

That all may come and end their war

for it’s already won.

All shall bow and all shall see

our King has won through love.

No battle waged by fallen man

can touch what He has done.



Whether you're spending time with family or celebrating alone, remember the importance of this holiday; the reason we celebrate, and the victory we have because of that lowly stable birth! As John 3:16 states: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." This simple verse tells all that was accomplished during Jesus' life on earth, from the stable to the cross. And because of it, we have hope for redemption. This verse is the reason for Christmas.

If you have not yet made the choice to believe in Him, I beg you, do it now. There is such a fountain of peace and love to be found in His arms.

If you have: rejoice, and celebrate what He has already done!

God bless you all, and a very Merry Christmas.

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