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Mirror Me

Mirror watch us shout

watch our smiles rise and fall.

Mirror watch us shout

as you hang upon the wall.

Figure in the mirror

looking in and back and out

speak, let us hear

your desperate cry and shout.

Unable to shout

Unable to smile

Unable to shout

Unable to cry

Watch because you cannot do

what we do we do for you.

Shout and smile

shout and cry!

We know you want to leave your life.

Can you walk through

walls of glass?

Would you choose to

speak at last?

Step into your reflection

come join us silent watcher.

We are your projection

and you our muted father.


Sometimes I find myself staring at the mirror and wanting to express everything to my reflection. On one of these occasions, I had a bit of a strange thought: the person in the mirror feels the same way, but they can't say anything. They do what I do, but they can't make any noise. Only one of us can. It made me think about how much we do keep inside while wishing we could step through the mirror and join the part of us that needs to express something.

In the poem, there's mention of the figures in the mirror crying, smiling, and shouting. As we learn, the figures are speaking to another, the one who cannot do any of these. This correlates to having some sort of outlet. Whether it's writing, piano, working out, everyone needs something that will help them express or release what's inside. If we don't, whatever's inside us will continue to grow and we'll never get the help or growth that we need.

On another note, for some issues venting isn't always enough. Sometimes it's crucial to get actual help, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's healthy, actually, and another way of stepping through the mirror, so to speak.

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