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Site Update

I've got an exciting announcement to make! At least, it's exciting to me. It shouldn't really change your interaction with my site and blog too much.

I've upgraded my site plan! What this means:

  1. Custom domain name: the site URL is now simply rather than a horrendously long and unsharable mess of letters and numbers.

  2. No more Wix adds! The site will be clean of all "this site was made with Wix" banners and such.

  3. The bandwidth for this site has increased, meaning the site should load quicker.

  4. Increased storage. I will be able to store more content on the site, so hopefully, I won't be having to delete content for the sake of storage anytime soon!

This is a goal I've been working toward and I'm excited to have made it, thank you to everyone who put up with the less professional site until now!

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