Strive to thrive,
or simply stay alive?
There is quite a difference, one recently that I’ve
only just begun to see and deeply realize.
“Make great efforts to achieve or obtain something”
says the dictionary of strive.
“Prosper; flourish”
boasts the dictionary of thrive.
The marriage of these words brings a struggle oft toward
something of which we all are deprived.
This something is not
a material, once got,
that supplies us with happiness and changes our lot.
It’s a something much more,
living deep in our core,
that supplies us with peace this hard world to endure.
“Remain in the same place”
says the dictionary of stay.
“Continuing in existence or use”
is alive’s term told today.
The conspiring of these brings complacent surrender,
pursuits and passions, willingly dead rendered.
The difference is vast,
a shadow long cast,
that stretches far o’er this lonely ship’s mast.
In life we must flourish
as opposed to existing,
that we may encourage
those who are not persisting
to press toward the mark
or simply make a start
to pursue and escape a complacent dead heart.