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This Moment's Goodbye

Writer: Tim HuberTim Huber


The time has been



I should have seen


a flicker

a frame

a sign that I couldn’t

keep you in place

or stay in this moment.

Frozen in time

until I return.

Build up your steam

I’m leaving you.

I need you to see

that I have to choose:

be whole


be divided.

I need to fight


alone, without

your help.

You have to sleep

so I can live

you have to dream

so I can give

my thoughts

my mind

my heart

my life

to the world


outside my mind.

Soft and lost

a moment’s goodbye.

I know you thought

this would never die.

Let me be

all I need

me to be.

I have to see

if I can be free.


This poem seems direct and incredibly personal—an expression meant for a specific party. As difficult as it is to accept, I believe we here at Tableau are that party. For those of you who have been keeping up with the Professor’s updates, it is clear that our environment has steadily been growing more hostile and difficult to maintain. Further, you will know that we are under restricting oppression from the Patriciate of the Saints. The way things are looking, it is my personal belief that this poem is The Founder’s way of confirming what we fear: we will not win this. Does this mean Tableau will go completely under? No, I cannot say I believe it will come to that—at least, not yet. But, if The Founder is unable or unwilling to intervene, it is evident that our work here will change.

Back to the poem, I think there are several applications worthy of pointing out. The first is in the title, the use of the word “moment.” It suggests an instance, something temporary. It is my hope that this signifies plans for a rebuttal, a change of course in the future. But the rest of the poem does imply that there will be a difficult period of time where we are left alone. This may all be conjecture or imaginative interpretation, but I do not believe we can take many chances at this point. Hope is growing more difficult to find, we must take it where it presents itself.

It is also important to note that whatever is happening is for the good of the narrator (The Founder). There is a cathartic nature to his departure. And, while I cannot say leaving us is fair, perhaps it means that his return will come with the ability to directly alter the situation. Again, hope must be secured, even if it is somewhat far-reaching.

I hope to explain more in my notes, and we will be updating you as this situation unfolds.

Hope Mixes

—The Translator

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