Simply write
And write well
All you see and do;
Write with words
Like magic spells
That mesmerize and soothe.
Bring forward sword
And foreign land
From thought to flaming word!
Bring demon and hero
To hateful days
And let their battle wage!
But never end
E’en bleakest tale
On a page cruel and evil;
For Good will win
—then, if not now—
And pessimist be made a liar.
Let truth be told
In the tales we tell
Be they Tolkien Tolstoy or Twain;
Simply write
And do it well
For you have much to say.
Nearly four years ago I graduated college and, like most graduates these days, had no idea what to do with my life. I knew I wanted to write but knew better the uncertainty in such a career. I had already written two novels and was nearly through my third, but leaning toward submitting to a traditional job and writing on the side. After all, my previous two publications hadn’t exactly paved the way for financial stability. So I started searching for jobs in the extremely limited Creative Writing field.
I was lying awake one night, tossing and turning while I worried over my future, when I heard that still small Voice.
“Simply write,” It said. I had no idea what the particulars of that instruction entailed, but I knew where to start—or rather, how to continue.
Soon after, I wrote The Odyssey of Jason Peterson, which is to this day the most blissful writing experience I have ever had. Not every novel was as pleasant to write as Jason’s; The Dark House, which immediately followed, was a nightmare and by far my most miserable writing experience. I rewrote it three times, the last time almost entirely by pencil while holed up in my closet. But God has been good. Throughout this journey, He has made promises to provide what I cannot, and He has continuously made good on His promises.
I guess my hope in writing this poem and sharing all of this is that someone out there, if you’re considering writing but are afraid to start, might be encouraged. If God has given you a gift, you don’t need to wait for verbal confirmation to use it. On the other side, sharing this solidifies what I’ve committed in my heart to do; it helps me ward off the doubt and fear that continue to haunt me. I hope and pray that my experience can do the same for you.
Simply write, and do it well, for you have much to tell.